Look what we’ve been reading!

It’s the last midterm of the year and time to check how we are doing with our reading goal.  Once again, I am impressed with what and how much you are reading.  My students read mostly middle grade and young adult fiction.  Some have discovered graphic novels.  (I’m trying to read more and beef up my collection, too.)  Some students have enjoyed going back to picture books to share with younger family members and neighbors.  Others are making the transition to adult fiction and classic literature.  Still others are teaching me about the joys of nonfiction (another area where I need to improve my own reading habits and classroom library).

Here are the totals:   129 students have read 3,322 books, for an average of  25.8 books per student.  If you want to see it broken down by class period, here it is.

  • 2nd period:  30 students have read 958 books, for an average of 31.9 books per student.  WOW!  I expect you to blast through the 1000 book mark by the end of the year!
  • 3rd period:  27 students have read 674 books, for an average of 25.9 books per students.  I am impressed with the challenging books some of you have taken on this year.
  • 5th period:  29 students have read 664 books, for an average of 22.9 books per student.  This class has my biggest reader in terms of number of books read.
  • 6th period:  20 students have read  462 books, for an average of  23.1 books per student.  This class may be small in numbers, but they are mighty readers!
  • 7th period:  23 students have read 564 books, for an average of 24.5 books per students.  I have seen the biggest improvement with these readers.  They continue to amaze me!
I am so proud of all of you.  Did you think we could ever read so much together?  I want each of you to keep the gains you’ve made this year, so you will start to hear me talk about your reading plans over the summer.  What books have you heard about that you still want to read?  What is your passion–and how can reading help you get even better?  What new topics do you want to explore over the summer?



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