100 Things I Know about Me as a Reader, part 1

Many thanks to previous bloggers who shared this activity.  If you get stuck for ideas, check out some of these bloggers:  Brian and Franki on the blog A Year of Reading.  Then it spread to Kevin, who jumped in with 50 Things, and James.   Now it’s your turn.  What do you know about yourself as a reader?  Check out the links in the Blogroll to find out what your classmates have learned about themselves and reading.

  1. I read a lot.
  2. I have always read more than one book at a time.  When I was a kid, I kept a different books in each room of the house and would pick up whatever book was in the same room I was to read.
  3. Now I only read 2 or 3 books at a time.
  4. I read fast.  In high school I checked out a book on speed reading, but it slowed me down too much.
  5. One summer I won the library’s summer reading contest by reading the most books.
  6. I take a big bag of books with me whenever I travel.
  7. I want a Kindle so I can lighten that load–or do I want an iPad?  How about both!
  8. The librarian in my childhood had to beg and threaten me to read nonfiction.
  9. The only nonfiction I would read were mytholgy and biographies because they were at least stories.
  10. I learned to like nonfiction when I worked shelving books in the public library as a teenager.   It was a lot easier to keep the nonfiction shelves straight, I would browse the pages of the books as I shelved them.
  11. My favorite genres are fantasy/science fiction/dystopian and historical fiction.
  12. I like books to take me to another time and place.
  13. I read anything and everything in front of me–up to and including cereal boxes.
  14. As a kid I read all my mother’s magazines:  Guideposts, Reader’s Digest, Good Housekeeping, mission magazines from our church.
  15. Dr. Suess is my favorite picture book author.
  16. Once I start a book, I have to finish it, no matter how bad it is.
  17. Once I reach the “point of no return,”  I can’t put the book down.
  18. I went to the midnight release party for the last Harry Potter book.
  19. When I’m really bored, I’ll read my husband’s hunting and fishing magazines.
  20. If I want to learn something new, the first thing I do is find books about it.
  21. Some of my favorite books were introduced to me by my students.
  22. I buy books when I go on vacation.  Books make great souvenirs.
  23. I used to hate all movies based on books because the movie never got it right. 
  24. I took a course on film and fiction in American literature in college that changed my mind about books into movies.  Now I can appreciate the differences in the two mediums and enjoy both–most of the time.
  25. I love hearing authors read their own books out loud and talk about their experiences as writers and readers.
  26. I have discovered blogs:  by writers who generously share their knowledge and by readers who share their passion for books.
  27. There is no better job in the world than to share my love of reading with my students.
  28. I have never understood why people like Wuthering Heights.
  29. I never liked Gone with the Wind–not the book, movie, nor sequel–because I can’t stand Scarlett O’Hara.
  30. I always wanted red hair to be like my favorite book character:  Anne of Green Gables.  Check it out.
  31. I am addicted to reading updates on Facebook.
  32. My favorite parts of the newspaper are the comics and advice columns.
  33. I rarely read past the headline and first paragraphs of news articles.
  34. The only book I couldn’t finish (couldn’t make it past the first few pages) was TTYL. It’s written in texting language.
  35. I learned French in high school in college because I wanted to read The Little Prince by Antoine St. Exupery in its original language.
  36. I struggle to read graphic novels.  I’ve only finished two:  Maus and Rapunzel’s Revenge.
  37. I love how memoirs let me into the thoughts and feelings of the person who lived that particular life.
  38. I have discovered many new books and authors by reading all of the books on the Young Hoosier list each year.
  39. I discovered that books become classics because they are good stories. 
  40. One year I read everything Charles Dickens wrote.
  41. When studying to becomes a teacher, I went down the education section of the library shelves and read every book they had on the topic of education.
  42. I chose to major in English in college because I loved to read.  I actually liked most of the books I read for class.
  43. I have piles of books waiting for me to read.
  44. I buy books faster than I can read them.
  45. I sometimes skip to the end of the book and read it first.  Then I get mad at myself for spoiling it.
  46. Some books I can read over and over and over:  The Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books, Jane Eyre.
  47. I never know how to get places I’ve been before because I read in the car instead of paying attention–but only if someone else is driving.
  48. I could get happily lost in a big bookstore and not come out for hours.
  49. Amazon.com is my go-to place to learn about books.  I love reading the customer reviews.
  50. I cannot read before going to bed because I don’t want to put the book down to go to sleep. 

I’m going to keep thinking and adding to this list.  Once I get the next 50 down, I’ll share it with you.  So, what do you know about yourself as a reader?

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  1. […] Then write down 10-25 things a day and before you know, you’ll be at 100!  Check out what Mrs. McGriff’s class for list […]

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