Reviewing a candy bar

A good review shows your opinion brith specific details.  Eat your candy bar and note the specific smells, tastes, textures, sounds, and sights.  Use those details to show your opinion of the candy bar.  Here’s how it works.

  • The breath taking scent of chocolate filled my head. The chocolate rainbow funneled into the back of my throat as as it melts. The Milk Duds get stuck to your teeth, so you use your tongue to get it out.
  • A cold warmth envelopes my mouth as if Zeus is playing badminton on my taste buds. A moment so epic it’s like a unicorn puking in my mouth. A chocolate smile spreads across my face after every bite of a M&M.
  • As the  ooey-gooey caramel, milk chocolate, and non-salty peanuts hit my tongue, a smile comes to my face.  A Snickers  bar candy bar makes my day amazing.
  • I bite into a creamy York Peppermint Patty, and a lightning flash of chocolate with a thunderous applause of fresh minty deliciousness fills my mouth like a flood of sweet nectar!
  • As I open the wrapper, the strong aroma fills the air around me.  As my nose pulls in the smell, the candy grows closer and closer to my mouth.  I pull the Twix in my mouth; the smooth chocolate coating and stringy caramel filling melt almost instantaneously.  Practially gone by the time my teeth roughly crunch into the savory cookie section of the Twix, it only reminds me that the Twix is almost gone.  I hope the last bite never comes.

Pay attention to how your point of view affects your reader.  One is not any better than the other.  It depends on your purpose for writing:

  • First person (I, me) shares a personal experience and is more intimate.
  • Second person (you) draws the reader into the experience
  • Third person (it) creates more distance and seems more objective.

Please share your reviews in the comments below, and enjoy the pictures!

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