2nd, 3rd Week at a Glance: September 17 – 21


Read first 15 minutes of class. Narrative Leads.  It takes work to get a narrative off to a good start.  Look at how the book you are reading starts.  Some narratives might start with description, but many of them get you right into the story by starting in the middle of the action.  Writers may focus on the action occurring, the dialogue between characters, or the inner thoughts and feelings of the main character.  (That’s you, the writer, in a memoir.)  Look at the examples in your notes and then write three different narrative leads for your memoir.  Each lead should focus on the same beginning moment.  Choose your favorite and keep writing.
Homework: Read.  .


LIBRARY DAY.  Yes, I know it’s Tuesday, but we get to go to the library early this week.  Report to our classroom for attendance.  Then we will go to the library where Miss Bowman will offer suggestions on how to find the perfect book for you.  Then it’s all about the books.  Return or renew books and check out new ones before sinking into a chair to read.
Homework: Read.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. Make a movie behind your eyelids.  Choose one of the topics from your list of memoir worthy experiences.  Before you start to write, play the memory in your mind like a movie.  Pay attention to what you see, hear, and feel.  Then capture those details in your draft.  Remember to skip lines when you draft!  If you type, change the line spacing to double-spaced.  Since I can’t be with you this morning, here is a video.
Homework: Read.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. Welcome to Google Docs.  You will type your work for class in Google Docs.  You can access your work from any computer with an internet connection.  Your username is your firstnamelastname17@jcsc.org.  Your password is you lunch#17.  You need to finish writing and typing your memoir.  Second period will miss most of class today for the fundraising convo beginning at 8:45.
Homework: Read.  Typed draft of memoir due Tuesday.


Read first fifteen minutes of class.  You should have read the rest of your memoir and have discussion notes ready to talk about.   We will discuss what you see and hear in a good discussion.  Then you will meet with your groups to discuss the first half of your memoir.  These discussion are graded.  You will turn in your notes.  I will also listen in on your conversations and take notes on your contributions.  You will also have a chance to evaluate yourself and your group members. If you are absent for the discussion, you need to complete the following one page assignment to turn in along with your discussion notes:  1) Write title and author of book on top line.  2)  Write a 1/3 page summary of what you read, focusing on most important characters, setting, and plot.  3) Write 2-3 discussion questions.  4)  Write 1/3 page reflection.  You might answer one of your discussion questions or give your opinion.  Click here for an example.  There is a convocation in the afternoon.
Homework: Read.

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