September 2013 archive

Rose by Holly Webb

imageThere’s a new orphan on the loose from the UK, and she just might have a touch of magic herself.  Rose is absolutely delightful, even if she desperately hopes to be sensible enough to be chosen to work as a maid in Mr. Fountain’s house.  Now if she can just stop creating images in shiny surfaces when she tells stories, she might be able to focus on learning her new duties.

Whether she likes it or not, Rose cannot escape magic.  Mr. Fountain is a famous and powerful magician, and his house fairly shimmers with magic.  Even though Rose tries to close her eyes to the magic (servants, after all, aren’t meant to have magic), she soon finds herself curiouser and curiouser as the house itself draws her further into its magic.  Soon she is conversing with a very large cat and making an alliance with the grumpy magician’s apprentice and the spoiled magician’s daughter.  When they uncover an evil plot that is stealing children off the streets, can they stop it before it is too late?

Holly Webb has created a captivating tale with Rose (coming to the United State in September 2013).  Rose’s world is steeped in magic, but most ordinary folk don’t quite trust it.  Rose, like one of my favorite orphans Jane Eyre, wants to support herself.  She is torn between the ordinary concerns of the household staff and the powerful lure of magic.  The best news of all is that Rose’s story continues in more books.  I hope they are coming across the ocean soon.

I’m glad I could be part of the blog tour to introduce Rose to readers in the United States.  In addition to having a waiting list for this book in my first period class (Don’t worry, I’ll share it with the rest of you, too!), several of those students had the opportunity to ask Holly questions.  Here are their questions and answers.

from Lexy:  What inspired you to write Rose?

 My editor, Kirsty, suggested I write a book about someone becoming magical, but that was it! Apart from that, I really wanted to write some historical fiction, as I loved reading books set in the past as a child (I still do). My favourites were A Little Princess and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, an English-American author. A Little Princess has an amazing London setting, really full of atmosphere. I wanted to combine that with magic!

from Hunter:  What do you like about writing?

 You can do it wherever – on a train even. I wrote my first book while I was commuting, mostly sitting on the floors of super-busy trains. And it’s fun! I love creating characters, and then people talk to you about them, which is incredibly exciting.

from Brayden:  How do you come up with ideas?

 It’s hard. Mostly I work at it for a while, writing down notes and teasing it all together, and just occasionally you have an idea out of nowhere, which is really wonderful. I thought of the end of the second Rose book on the way home from taking my children to school. I had to hurry home and write it down!

from Emma:  What kinds of things do you like to write about?

I write quite different books – stories about animals, which is great because I love animals, and I’ve always had lots of pets. I also feel very strongly that people should treat animals properly, so I try to make my characters think about their animals very carefully. Then some of my books, like Rose, are magical ones. Although the animals always sneak in there too – and then the animals can talk. I love writing magical animal characters, because they can be allowed to say things that people never could! I find describing magic really interesting, I love imagining how it would be.

Maybe, just maybe, there may be more exciting news coming!  In the meantime, grab a copy of Rose a travel back to a past filled with magic.

Here come the Gorgons!

I bet you think you know the Gorgons–Medusa and her sisters.  They are snake-haired monsters who can turn you to stone with a single glance, right?  Not so fast.  Greek mythology gave these girls a bad rap.  Now Tera Lynn Childs is here to set the story straight.  They are not monsters. They are the guardians of humanity, charged with sending monsters back to the abyss.

sweet venomFirst came Sweet Venom.  Grace, Gretchen and Greer meet and learn they are triplets and descendants of Medusa.  Once they reunite, they must fulfill an ancient prophecy and take up their legacy in a world filled with monsters.

sweet shadows


Next came Sweet Shadows.  Grace, Gretchen and Greer can barely keep ahead of the flood of monsters coming their way.  Not only are there monsters everywhere, but some of the gods and goddesses are determined to keep them from their destiny.  Who can they trust except each other?


Finally, it is time for Sweet Legacy.   I can’t wait to find out how these three monster-fighting, sword-swinging triplets take on monsters and gods in this exciting end to the Medusa Girls trilogy.  Will Grace, Gretchen, and Greer be able to find the lost door between the realms and solve the mysteries of their past and present before it is too late?  Here’s the official blurb and the gorgeous cover:


Greer has always known she was privileged, though she had no idea how special her second sight made her, even among her triplet monster-fighting sisters. But when a god starts playing with her mind, can Greer step up in her pretty high heels to prevent anything from stopping her sisters’ mission?

Grace loves her adopted brother, Thane, but now that he’s back and has joined her sisters’ team, it’s clear his past is full of dark mysteries. She wants to trust him, but will Thane’s secret put the girls in even more danger?

Gretchen knows she can rely on her sisters to help her stop the monsters. But after getting to know some of the beasties in the abyss, she finds her role as a huntress comes with more responsibility than she ever imagined. How can she know what her birthright demands of her now?

The girls cannot hesitate as they seek the location of the lost door between the realms, even as monsters and gods descend on San Francisco in battle-ready droves. In this exciting conclusion to the Sweet Venom trilogy, these teenage heirs of Medusa must seek the truth, answer the ancient riddles, and claim their immortal legacy.


I am thrilled to be part of a blog blitz today to introduce this last book to the world.  And I have some exciting news to share with you.

First, I was able to ask Grace some questions.  She is my favorite of the triplets.  Here are my questions and her answers:

1. How is your family dealing with the monsters in your life now that they know about them?
They’re being amazing, as always. It’s such a huge relief to be able to tell them! My brother Thane is being especially supportive. Can you believe he volunteered to go into the monster abyss to help us get the gorgons back? Talk about loyalty.
2. Prophecies can be tricky, even misleading.  What do you think the prophecy means for you and your sisters?
I’ve only known about his world for a few weeks, and even I know the gods like to play tricks on unsuspecting players in their not-so-little games. Mostly I just hope we can get the gorgons back and get through this whole thing in tact. Keep your fingers crossed.
3. What is the deal with Milo?  Can you really trust him?
Of course I trust Milo. Why wouldn’t I? Wait, do you know something I don’t know. Please tell me he isn’t secretly a part of this crazy world too? I don’t think I could take it. I really don’t. (Seriously. You would tell me, right?)
I think I’m keeping my eye on Milo, just in case.
If you can’t wait to find out what happens, here is where you can order your very own copy:

If you want to learn more about Tera Lynn Childs and her other fabulous books, check out these links:

  • website
  • twitter
  • facebook
  • Sweet Legacy

And there’s more!  Tera Lynn is offering a giveaway with this latest release.  Just fill out the Rafflecoptor form to enter.  This giveaway is open only the the United States and Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’m doing double duty today with the blog blitz and Slice of Life.

imageLife Challenge sponsored by Ruth and Stacey over at Two Writing Teachers, where teachers write and share each Tuesday. Join in yourself or head over to check out what’s happening with other slicers. If you’re taking part in the SOL, leave a link to your post. I’d love to read it.

Week at a Glance: September 3 – 6



Enjoy your Labor Day holiday today!
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.



  • Discuss expectation and create rubric for grading writers notebooks.

I will collect, read, respond, and grade your Writer’s Notebooks every couple of weeks.  We will discuss expectations for your writers notebooks.  How often should you be writing in them?  What kinds of things should you be writing?  What kind of thinking should you show?  We will create a rubric together that focuses on aspects such as frequency, meaning, structure/organization, detail, voice, and conventions.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.  Continue writing in your Writer’s Notebooks. Study for roots quiz over Group 1 roots on Friday.



  • Learn how to choose a book that is a good fit for you.
  • Understand requirements of book project.

How do you choose a book that is a good fit for you?  We will brainstorm and discuss different things to consider when choosing a book.  Use BOOKMATCH to choose a book for our first book project.  You’ll get the requirements for the project today.  DON”T PANIC.  We will take it one step at a time.  Your first step is to choose a fiction novel and begin reading if you haven’t already.  Choose a book you can finish by Monday, September 16.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.  Continue writing in your Writer’s Notebooks. Study for roots quiz over Group 1 roots on Friday.



  • Identify elements of characterization.

Today’s book talk is on Wonder by RJ Palacio.  What do you learn about August from reading his description of himself?  I will read Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson to the class.  After discussing the three elements of characterization (that you should put in your Reading Journal), we will create a character map for Chloe together.  We will support our ideas by quoting lines from the text and including page numbers where we found the information.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.   Continue writing in your Writer’s Notebook.  Study for roots quiz over Group 1 roots on Friday.



  • Identify elements of characterization.

Today’s book talk is on The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.  What do we learn about Ivan?  In groups of two or three, read the picture book given to your group.  Complete a character map of the protagonist for your book.  Make sure you quote at least one line of text for each category and include page numbers where you find the details that reveal character.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice. In your Writer’s Notebook, write the title and author of the book for your book project.  Write the name of the protagonist (main character).  What is one trait that describes an important quality of your main character?  Write down that trait (loyal, brave, smart, reckless, etc.)  Begin listing examples from the story of what the character says or does, what the character looks like, or how others react to the character that show the trait you chose.  Remember to list the author’s last name and page number.

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