Posts Tagged ‘Writing’

Writing Roundup

Are you a writer wondering where to send your work?  Never fear, writer Alisa M. Libby has rounded up some of her favorite publications that publish teen writing.  Be brave!  Let your writing out into the big world.  Click here to find her list of links.

Now that you’ve decided to share your writing with the big, bad world, it’s time to find out who you write like.  This app has been all the rage on the web.  Click here, give a sample of your text, and see what famous writer is similar to your writing style.

You can win some amazing stuff from the Merry Sisters of Fate.  They are sponsoring a writing contest on their blog this week–all in the spirit of promoting free fiction on the Internet. Click on the link to check out the writing prompt of epic proportions and the great prizes.  I’m in.  Are you?

Career Possibilities

I think it’s time for a career change. I could get used to a daily routine like this. I may not be able to quit my day job yet. Tessa said it took five years from deciding to be a writer to getting paid. I’m definitely going to try it out this summer, though. What kind of summer job do you want?

7th Grade Student Published in Magazine

Yes, it is possible for students from Jennings County Middle School to be published in magazines.  Check out this article written by 7th grader Tim Lacey for Gatecall Magazine.  What are your interests?  Is there a magazine dedicated to that interest?  Do they feature writing by students or readers?  You might be next to see your name in print.

The Moving Zone

Here is my example of a zone writing.  Many thanks to Rod Sterling, who created The Twilight Zone, and to Harry Noden, who shared this lesson in Image Grammar.    I chose to write about the Moving Zone, since my family moved to a new house this past weekend.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. 

It is a dimension as heavy as an upright piano and as fragile as my fine china. 

It is the heavy lifting between the old house and the empty rooms,

between the new house and the packed boxes,

and it lies between the help of countless friends

and the aching muscles of their bodies.

This is the dimension of lost items.

It is an area which we call…


National Day on Writing

Celebrate writing today!  It’s official.  Today is a new holiday–the National Day on Writing.  How can you join the celebration?  By writing of course!  You are all writers.  You write at school.  You even write at home–just check your Facebook, MySpace or Twitter accounts.  Have you ever made a list or written an email or texted a friend?  These are writing, too.  Writing surrounds us everyday in many forms.  Take a minute and think about how writing surrounds you. 

Celebrate by sharing your writing today!  How can you do that?  Well, post your poem or other writing on your blog page.  Comment on your classmates’ writings.  How can you connect with their words.  Tell them something like this: 

 “Your description of __________ reminded me of this time in my life. ” 

“I can relate to your experience in this writing.” 

“You’re writing made me think about _____________.”

One way to celebrate writing is to share your writing with an audience.  Connect with your readers.  Here are some possibilities:

Post your poem on your blog.

Enter the poetry contest for Poetic Power.  The deadline is December 10, 2009.  If at least five of you have your poem selected for publication we will get a free copy of the book for our classroom.

Submit your six word memoir to Smith Magazine.  Join the six word craze!

Submit any writing to the National Gallery of Writing.  I submitted mine today.  It’s the poem “What is Writing For?” that I published on earlier post.  Read it an comment.

How have you celebrated writing today?

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