Posts Tagged ‘Tessa Gratton’

Fun on a Friday

Have I convinced you  yet that you need to read Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton as soon as it comes out in June?  If not, maybe this sneak peak from chapter five, performed by Tessa, will convince you.

Visit the Merry Sisters of Fate

If you are looking for an eerie collection of short stories to entertain your spare moments and haunt your dreams, head over to the Merry Sisters of Fate, where Maggie Steifvator, Tessa Gratton, and Brenna Yovanoff post a new short story every week.  Well, almost every week.  Some weeks they have guests, round table discussions, and CONTESTS!

If you head over this week, you can enter to win an ARC of Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton.  I’ve been eyeing this book ever since I first found Tessa’s blog.  It’s already on my amazon wish list, but I wouldn’t mind reading it early!  All you have to do is blog about your favorite short story on the site and leave your link in the comments.

Of course, my favorite story is by Tessa.  Sorry Maggie and Brenna, but you just can’t top a slightly evil fairy.  Who wants a sweet Barbie fairy when you can encounter something much more interesting.  Go now and read “Thomas and the Fairy Door.”  Is Thomas good or not?  Can’t make up your mind?  Then you can read more Thomas stories here.

It’s here….a summer reading spectacular

I know you all have been waiting for the promised guest blog post by Tessa Gratton, aka the crazy lady.  Here it is–her current favorite reads, straight from her (and her brother) to you.  WARNING:  I now have even more books I want to read.  How about you?  Which books are you heading to the library to get?  Top on my list is Incarceron.  Race you there!  Check out what other cool stuff she can do on her blog.