A Few Clerihew
I was inspired by Mary Lee to try my hand at writing some clerihew about people who showed some zest.
There was a disciple named John.
This son of thunder was never wan.
Once Jesus called, he left his nets
Telling all that Jesus paid our debts.
Simon’s brother Andrew
followed Jesus instead of his family’s fishing crew.
He brought Jesus a boy with two fish and five loaves of bread
even when he didn’t know how the crowd would be fed.
A Pharisee named Saul changed his name to Paul.
His Lord Jesus told him to get on the ball.
No matter what insults the world hurled,
he continued to preach throughout the world.
After watching and reading the April poetry challenge by Mary Lee Hahn at A Year of Readingfor the past several years, I decided to write a poem a day this month. Mary Lee is hosting PO-EMotion, with a different emotion for each day of the month. Today’s focus is ZEST. For even more poetry fun throughout April, check out the roundup of poetry celebrations and projects at Jama’s Alphabet Soup.