Week at a Glance: January 20 – 24



  • Choose books from library.
  • Set reading goal.

Daily Grammar Practice Week  12 (Monday – parts of speech).  We will visit the library for you to renew, return, and check out new books.  Since we missed school last Friday, we will set your reading goal today for this week.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.  Since we didn’t have school on Friday, 6th & 7th periods will turn in Writer’s Notebooks for a writing check.  Writing on the blog counts, too!  You should have six entries for December.



  • Write on blog or in your notebook.

Daily Grammar Practice Week 12 (Tuesday – sentence parts).  You should be writing twice and week in either your Writer’s Notebook or on our class blogs.  Work on developing your ideas by adding details and examples.  Strengthen your writing by focusing on part of your topic.  It is actually easier to write more–and better–if your topic is smaller.  You may write about anything you like (school appropriate), but if you need ideas, check out the Student Blogging Connection.  Be sure to share the link to your post and connect with other bloggers.   Make sure you click your name under Categories whenever you write a blog post!
Homework: Read a book of your choice for 15-30 minutes.



  • Explore the use of transitions.

Daily Grammar Practice Week 12 (Wednesday – clauses, sentence type and purpose).
Homework: Read a book of your choice for 15 -30 minutes.   .



  • Add tranistions to your writing.

Daily Grammar Practice Week 12 (Thursday – Correct capitalization and punctuation).  Transitions are like signposts that direct your reader where to go.  Log into Google Drive (firstnamelastname19@jcsc.org and your lunch number 19) and open the compare contrast essay we drafted before Christmas.  Use one of the transitions in your Writing Handbook to introduce each paragraph after your lead.  Read your draft outloud.  Does it flow smoothly?.  
Homework: Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.



  • Set reading goals for the week.

Daily Grammar Practice Week 12 (Friday – Sentence diagramming).    Fill out the reading goal slip with the title and author of your book and write down what page you begin on.  Read for 10 minutes and write down what page you end on.  Subtract the beginning page from the ending page to find out how many pages you read in 10 minutes.  Multiply that number by 6 to discover how many pages you should be able to read in 1 hour.  Double that answer to find out how many pages you should be able to read in 2 hours.  That is your reading goal for the week.  If you finish or switch to a book that has a very different reading rate, you will need to redo your goal and let me know the new one. After you finish your reading, tell your partner what you read today.  If you can’t remember anything you read, you are reading too fast.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.

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