Week at a Glance: January 9-10



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Daily Grammar Practice Week (Monday – parts of speech).
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.



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Daily Grammar Practice Week (Tuesday – sentence parts).
Homework: Read a book of your choice for 15-30 minutes.



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Daily Grammar Practice Week (Wednesday – clauses, sentence type and purpose).



  • Write a thank you note.

Daily Grammar Practice Week (Thursday – Correct capitalization and punctuation).  Many times in life, you will be expected to write a thank you note:  when you receive a gift, when someone provides exceptional service, when you interview for a job.  The good news is that thank you notes are easy to write and make a powerful impact.  Use the format for a friendly letter.  Thank the person for the specific gift or service.  Mention how you will use or enjoy the gift.  
Homework: Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.



  • Set reading goals for the week and semester.

Daily Grammar Practice Week (Friday – Sentence diagramming).  We’ll share good reads from over the holiday break.  How did you do with your reading challenge?  Once everyone has a good book to read, we will do a timed reading to set your reading goal for the week.  Remember to read at a comfortable rate for understanding.   Fill out the reading goal slip with the title and author of your book and write down what page you begin on.  Read for 10 minutes and write down what page you end on.  Subtract the beginning page from the ending page to find out how many pages you read in 10 minutes.  Multiply that number by 6 to discover how many pages you should be able to read in 1 hour.  Double that answer to find out how many pages you should be able to read in 2 hours.  That is your reading goal for the week.  If you finish or switch to a book that has a very different reading rate, you will need to redo your goal and let me know the new one.
Homework:  Read 15-30 minutes in a book of your choice.

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