5th, 6th, 7th Week at a Glance: October 22 – 26


Read first 15 minutes of class. DPG Week 4 (Daily Grammar Practice):  parts of speech.  Go over Assessment 1.0.  Discuss how an author’s life or current events might influence what an author writes.  If you have seen or read The Hunger Games, for example, what current things does the book make a statement about?  In the book you are reading, what current or historical events does the book comment on?
Homework: Read.  


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – Sentence parts and phrases. LIBRARY.  This your opportunity to stock up on books to read and take care of library business.  Sixth period will Skype with author/artist Stephen McCranie.  Come with questions to ask!  Check out the website for his book series with Mal and Chad.
Homework: Read.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – Clauses and sentence types.  Enter answers for ACUITY.  Add links for each of your Blog Buddies.  Leave comments on at least one post for each of your blog buddies.
Homework: Read.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – punctuation and capitalization. Finish commenting on your blog buddies posts.  Make sure you take time to answer the comments left for you.
Homework: Read.  Typed draft of memoir due Tuesday.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – Diagramming sentences. What do good readers do when encountering difficult text.  We will read and answer questions about a nonsense story.  What strategies did you use to make sense of a story that makes no sense?
Homework: Read.

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