2nd, 3rd Week at a Glance: September 24 – 28


Read first 15 minutes of class. Introduce DPG (Daily Grammar Practice).  It’s like a vitamin for your grammar skills!  We’ll add help notes to the Language Study section of your binder and practice using them to identify the parts of speech in the first week’s sentence.  Finish typing the draft of your memoir in Google Docs.  You need to print a double-spaced copy of your memoir.  Remember to include a header with your name, date, period. Your username is your firstnamelastname17@jcsc.org.  Your password is you lunch#17.
Homework: Read.  


Read first fifteen minutes of class. More DPG – Sentence parts and phrases. Sensory details bring your story to life.  Brainstorm details that you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell to add to your memoir.  Complete a peer conference focusing on sensory details.
Homework: Read.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – Clauses and sentence types.   The Rule of Thoughts and Feelings.  The power in a memoir comes from getting inside the head and heart of the main character–that’s you.  One way to do that is to give the reader your thoughts and feelings throughout your story.  Complete a peer conference to look for places where you can add your thoughts and feelings to your memoir.  Click here to read post on exploding a moment.
Homework: Read.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – punctuation and capitalization.  Read my bad-on-purpose memoir.  In your groups, list all the ways that it is bad.  Next read my new and improved version.  What do you notice about this piece of writing that makes it work?  Here is the link for 2nd period’s notes.  Here is the link for 3rd period’s notes.  Now look at your memoir:  what do you need to do to improve your writing to make it work better?
Homework: Read.  Typed draft of memoir due Tuesday.


Read first fifteen minutes of class. DPG – Diagramming sentences.  Discuss book project requirements for either book trailer or reader’s theater performance.  As a group, decide which project you would like to complete and assign tasks to each person.
Homework: Read.

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