Week at a Glance: May 14 – 18


Read first 15 minutes of class. Today you get to read for the real world to decide which two products would be best to buy. Read the Consumer Reports article on your choice of product.   Create a Venn diagram to compare two models of the same product.  Which one would you buy?
Homework: Read. Choose five words for Weekly Word Study.


Read first 15 minutes of class. Finish your comparison of two products and turn in.
Homework: Read.  Complete Weekly Word Study.


Read first fifteen minutes of class.  Misti, from the Jennings County Public Library will be here to talk about opportunities for the summer reading program at the library.  Today is the last day to bring in books for the Book Swap on Friday.
Homework: Read.  Complete Weekly Word Study.


Read first 15 minutes of class.  We will disassemble your binders today.  If you don’t want to keep it, and it is in good shape, you can recycle the dividers and binders to be used next year.
Homework: Read.  Weekly Word Study due.


BOOK SWAP!  Don’t bring anything to class today, because all the desks will be filled with books!  Everyone gets one coupon to take home a book.  If you brought in additional books for the book swap, you get one coupon for every book you brought in.  You will have an opportunity to browse the books available and select the ones you would like to take with you.  Happy Reading!
Homework: Read.

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