So, you read The Pull of Gravity

I am super excited about our Skype visit with Gae Polisner tomorrow.  She sent surprises for you, too.  She would like to feature our class and your responses to The Pull of Gravity on her blog.  All you need to do is answer the questions in the form below.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer all of them, just as many as you want.  Oh yes, if you want your picture included, I need you to return a signed permission slip!

Here are the questions from Gae.  Once you’ve all had a chance to answer them, I’ll email her the results.

What else you can do: If you liked the book, it is always helpful if you’ll put a review up on It can be brief! And, tell two friends about it.
Thanks so much for participating! When your classroom’s blog post is up, I will email your teacher! Please come play in the comments when it is!


Meanwhile, check out her websites and blogs:

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