6th, 7th Week at a Glance: January 9 -13


We get introduced to the brand new library today.  It is also the first day of the Scholastic Book Fair.
Homework: Read. No Weekly Word Study.


ACUITY testing.
Homework: Read.  Complete Weekly Word Study.


Read first 15 minutes of class.  To begin our author research project, I want you to think about the power of stories.  Answer these questions in a free-write:  1) Can a book really comfort us or make us feel less alone?  2) Can a narrative about someone else’s life really help us understand our own?  3) Can a book really tell us how we might behave?  Can it show us how to live and die?  4) And if so, how does it do that?.  After you’ve had a chance to write, we will discuss your different opinions.
Homework: Read.  Complete Weekly Word Study. 


Read first 15 minutes of class. You’ll get a chance to practice discussing a piece of literature.  I’ll demonstrate with one short poem.  Then you will practice reading and discussing a second poem.
Homework: Read.  Weekly Word Study due.


Who’s your author?  You will choose a book you want to read and and learn about the author.  You will read the book on your own, and discuss it with others who are reading the same book.  You get to read at the end of class today.
Homework: Read.

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