Vocabulary BINGO

Reading improves your vocabulary!  As you are reading this week, pay attention to the new and interesting and challenging words you are reading.  Choose 10 of them to complete the activities for Vocabulary BINGO

For each word, you will need to

  • list the appropriate part of speech;
  • write the definition in your own words;
  • and quote the passage from your book that contains the word.  Document the excerpt using an internal citation (author’s last name and page number).

List the words on the vocabulary worksheetI gave you in class.

Then complete three of the activities listed on the BINGO card.  Choose activities that complete a BINGO across, down, or diagonally.  Here are links for examples of some of the activities.

  • Make a crossword puzzle using all 10 words.  You may use a webiste such as Puzzle Maker or write it by hand.
  • Personification/Character sketch:  Write a descriptive paragraph (at least 100 words) that personifies a vocabulary word.  Use the six methods of characterization:  appearance, actions, speech, inner thoughts and feelings, what others say, environment.
  • Illustration:  Illustrate the meaning of one vocabulary word using an original drawing, pictures from magazines or websites.  Define the word or write an original sentence using the word for  a caption. 
  • Create a worksheet that allows someone to practice using these words in creative ways.  Include questions such as Draw someone who could be described as __________.  What TV character could be referred to as ___________.  Write and anser at five questions.
  • Find the origin of 10 vocabulary words.  Write these on the Vocabulary sheet.  You can quickly find the language of origin on Dictionary.com.
  • Write a creative story or poem using 1p vocabulary words.
  • Personal Identification:  Write a paragraph (at least 100 words) that illustrates three reasons why you personally identify with the word. 
  • Write 10 fill in the blank sentences using the vocabulary words.
  • Context Clue:  Write an original passage (at least 50 words) that contains a context clue to the meaning of the word.  Ways to give a context clue:  restate (give meaning in other words), contrast (new word is contrasted with familiar word or example), explain (clarify meaning with more detail), suggest (get a good idea of word’s meaning by understanding scene and characters’ states of mind), comparing (say how word is similar to familiar word or phrase). 

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